Tag: process

  • Busy Busy Busy

    I don’t think I’ve ever thought I would have gotten this busy this year. I’m in the middle of setting up three collab zine groups, and maybe even getting a fourth. I think at the start of the year, I didn’t even expect one to exist. And all this development was definitely not because I…

  • My Bad

    I’ve been avoiding writing for a few days now. I have some idea why, and it’s related to why my videos go up slow on YouTube as well, and why I don’t post anything on Instagram much either. I think I’m dealing with my disappointments of the previous occasions. I don’t think I’m that good…

  • Planned Processes

    So here’s my balance to yesterday’s creative meanderings: There’s definitely a part of me that over plans everything. I think way too much over too many small things and I am always almost all over the place because of those thoughts. I’m either all over the place, or very prepared, because I’ve thought of the…

  • 2022: It begins

    It’s been some time since updating here. I had the weekly review just before the absence, and I think I was really struggling to keep it going somehow. It was great when I was doing the daily blog, and when I just missed it, it just started to slip away. There’s many things I’ve learnt…

  • What and Where

    When thinking about what to do, I’m always stuck with this issue: What should I do, and where should it go? “What to do” is always an easy one to start with: Paint a picture, write a blog post, cut a video together. But then when you pair it with “Where should this piece go?”…