Moving on

We’ve just moved!

Clarice and I have spent the past few weeks packing on end, and just trying to survive our day to day. It’s been quite insane, and there’s always this idea of needing to move looming over our heads.

“Have we packed enough for today?”

“Did we forget anything?”

“Will our movers be able to shift this? Will our friends be able to help? What will fit where?”

The list of questions that we kept thinking through kept growing bigger and bigger, and there were a number of nights that we just had to call it quits. We’d did enough and there was not much more that we could do other than to just sleep on it.

And now we’ve moved!

Now on the other end of things, we’re living in boxes. I’m currently surrounded by a wall of boxes and bags. But I finally got my computer out. The keyboards are near me, but I don’t have the right cables, the right table set up that I’m happy to work on just yet, so I’ll make do with the iMac’s bluetooth keyboard. As long as it types for now.

I’ve got videos that I’ve filmed and placed online, but I just haven’t finished the captions for them yet and I don’t know if I can publish them yet. But there’s no one holding them back other than me. I guess I’ll need to find some time to sit down and plan it out.

Emotionally, I miss my neighbours. I miss my old place, and the familiarity it held. It really wasn’t the best place in the world. By stark contrast, I have air conditioning in every room now, and proper lighting. My previous place had no air conditioning, I had to place in my own standing lights, or suffer the wrath of the florescent tubes. And the amount of space that I had to rededicate over and over again for the different hobbies I had that were growing. All that just really added up together.

I’m sad to have moved, but I’m glad where I am now too. It’s a weird bittersweet feeling.

I am a lot further away from the city center, but that also means that I save in some ways. The temptation to go shopping often, or to spend on boutique brands and gourmet food drops tremendously because there’s just not that much of that nearby where I now stay. It’s not shabby by any means, but it just isn’t that city center quality of dining and entertainment.

I really feel so in between about the move, but as the title states, it’s time to be moving on. I’m now here, present and real life is where I currently type this post out.

But moving on is not easy, and I want to capture this emotion in writing with some of my own reasoning for now. Hopefully when I reflect on this in the time to come I’ll make a little more sense of it.

Here’s to the new life in the new place!


