Doing things that I once loved

I think COVID has definitely made me think and behave a certain way about the things I have around me. One of those things is actually the way that I assess myself, my thoughts and my habits.

It’s been an extremely long time but I’m typing once again on my Reviung41. This keyboard was really one that I loved so much. I remember bringing this little guy out with me as I went to different cafes around my rental, trying to get some special inspiration somewhere. It worked a lot of the time, which added to the reason why I liked this keyboard even more.

But then things started to get back to normal.

I didn’t have that much time to type anymore, let alone sit at a computer working on a split 40. It really just added a lot to my mind that I felt was unnecessary.

But I miss it, you know?

I miss it like how I miss my old place. I keep getting flashbacks and memories of how things were for the past few years. My memories are somewhat stuck in that time of wanting to go back, and at the same time, I have the present to still keep up with.

Maybe this is really why old people forget things all the time. They’re trying to old on to the past, and still deal with the present. I’m feeling that way right now at least.

But for tonight, the last half hour before I gotta sleep, I’ll write a little post, missing that whole chunk of time known as the Pandemic, remembering the better parts of a bad time. Even the little kitties that came along too.


