Tag: kanye west

  • How Medium introduced me to Kanye West

    (I wrote this on Medium first, but I thought to share it here since I mentioned that I’ve been writing on Medium. Follow me there please 🙂 ) I’m not trying to point fingers but I really did not like the guy before reading some of these articles. Medium was a fresh new idea in…

  • Kanye’s Donda

    Let’s not talk about the audio, or how it sounds. Because even though I love Kanye, musically this album wasn’t anything ground breaking. But the album stands for a few things. It definitely stands as a voice for those who need help, from their ethnic backgrounds and upbringing. It also stands for his remembrance for…

  • Isaiah 6 and Kanye West

    I have recently been learning about hermeneutics. I learnt about understanding the original message and how it translates to us today, in our modern understanding. During my classes, I was given a chance to explore a passage of my own choice, and I chose Isaiah 6 to look at. There is a parallel drawn between…