Tag: stuff

  • Dealing with my collecting self

    I collect a lot of things, I’m careful not to say hoard, cause I do throw things away. I have collections of books, shoes, pens, games, inks, all sorts of things. Collecting too many of the same thing has become something I watch out for, so currently, I’ve stopped collecting black t-shirts. I had written…

  • The Non Minimalistic Life

    There’s always this big whoop over minimalism as a lifestyle. I mean from this blog you’d think that I’d be totally into it too. The whole clean look, simple lines, nothing crazy or bright. Maybe a lot of white, a lot of Muji, whole lot of wood on the floors, the tables, the walls. Then…

  • the point in life

    where you really just don’t know what’s exactly going on. I think I’ve dived into too many hobbies at this point, and yet, I feel quite bored about them all, and extremely excited at the same time. This year of COVID and the whole break from society gave me a bunch of things to do,…