Dealing with my collecting self

I collect a lot of things, I’m careful not to say hoard, cause I do throw things away. I have collections of books, shoes, pens, games, inks, all sorts of things.

Collecting too many of the same thing has become something I watch out for, so currently, I’ve stopped collecting black t-shirts. I had written a few times about my black t-shirt collections, but I really have stopped. It’s quite a change now to have colorful clothing, but I still have a soft spot for my black tees. Thankfully, I’m wearing down some of them, and some are even becoming grey! The materials are pretty good, so there’s some wear, but not at the speed that I can really get rid of them entirely.

Which brings me to how I’m dealing with my collecting self: I’m trying to use things up

It sounds ridiculous, but usually I would save things and keep them. But now I’m just trying to use as much as I can.

  • I’m trying to play through my video game collections, so that I can actually enjoy them instead of just thinking about how great it would be to play them.
  • I’m trying to draw a bit more, so I’m bringing my sketchbooks and pens around, but it’s kinda heavy. But I’m still trying to get some of this done.
  • I was running quite a bit, to get my wear into my shoes, but I stopped, and I’m going to try getting back to it again.
  • And I was attempting 52 books this year, to start hacking away at my book collection. It’s a mix of digital and physical books, but I’m getting along bit by bit.

Hopefully by the end of this year, I’ll be able to say that I’ve read X amount of books, and given away a few of them. Or that I’ve worn through my t-shirts and started on other things. Or just clearing games that have laid in my library unplayed.

Just one day at a time, and hopefully I’ll get over most of it.



