The Eyes of the World

are in the palm of your hands.

The digital world, or actually the whole world, is held with our smart phones. We move and travel, eyes on the screens that direct us of what we might want, what we might think and feel and see.

The non-neutral digital

Our mobile devices stopped being neutral when automation started to occur. Remember that scene in Click, where the fast foward through life happens automatically, and he’s left angry and upset because the system worked on its own, against the person’s will. That’s where we are now in the digital world. How do you work against social news that is automatically chosen for you based on cookies, and even before that, based on your location? These already narrow out the infinite possibilities of the whole internet and choice into those that would fit your IP.


I had written this post in 24 June 2017, and haven’t touched it since.

I’ll post it up now, with some updated thoughts:

Social media and algorithms have taken over so much further than what I had written here. I am quite upset with my own YouTube experience, the Instagram browsing experiences. Everything is catered based on the latest things I’ve searched for, and many of the things that I want to watch out of consistency have faded in to the background of “not important”.

But if it wasn’t important then why would I have subscribed to it in the first place? I want to see everything, all the time, without YouTube’s actions on what and how I view it. Stop telling me what you think I want to see, I want to see it as how I had chose to see it, in a convoluted mess. That’s what makes me unique, and that’s why I want to break algorithms and preferential data based on my demographic.

Be warned algorithm bots, I am your human that decides against my own nature just to make life interesting for myself and unpredictable for you.


