Which comes first? The Chicken, or the Egg?

Or in my case, does the keycaps come first, or is it the keyboard?

I’m legit stuck on which keycaps I should get, and honestly I wish there were other ways around it. I don’t want to get any more keyboards because I’ve already got a ton. But some of the keycap options are just so much cheaper because of the keyboard that comes with it. It’s kinda annoying, and I wish there were other ways to work around these things, but unfortunately for this keyboard hobby, it’s really not that simple to work around.

I have some time to decide, but its not like there’s a real rush for it in the first place. Only the thought that if I don’t get this sorted now, its going to cost a lot more in a few more months. Or weeks.

At least I’m staying far away from getting in debt again. I’m keeping everything in the black, and it’s really working out quite well.

Or maybe I should get my IPPT done again and get some money there. And get fit too.

In any case, the egg came first, in my opinion. lol.


