TLDR; I’m sad

I think I’m personally in a dark phase at the moment. I feel as if there are many things inside my mind that I am troubled by, and I have to be careful how I express it. I have disagreements with how the world is working around me, and with my perceptions of what value is compared to the rest of the work. It’s a dark place because of the depth of what I’m feeling – frustrations with the system, sadness for people who are suffering, and with this, my inability to change or care for them all. It’s also a dark place because I don’t think I’m supposed to care for them myself, and instead, I’ve placed this burden and this sense of wanting to be a saviour to such a personal and high extent that it becomes so unnecessary. I don’t like how it’s making me feel, but I have realised how deep the hole of personal boundary has been dug. It feels like I’ve been a recluse and I hid intentionally to keep from a range of silly people because of the silly things that they do. That makes it all the worse, because I share even less then. It’s a constant realisation that I don’t agree with many people, and the more I realise that, the further I draw away, dig deeper into myself.


