The Pains of Peculiarity

In line with what I was saying yesterday, there’s some very specific things to think about for one to actually be different.

Only the expressed unique being is unique.

It doesn’t matter whatever the internal thoughts are, because many are thinking the same things. But it’s the one who lives them out that really makes that difference into the person who is being.

If someone says “you took the words out of my mouth”, it probably means that you had the same thought as the person, but you are the one who said it. It also makes you the specific person who changed that tone, the mood, the conversation, that point in time.

Many people look at abstract art and say, “I could have done that myself.” The question is really, would you have? Because you could have and you did not. But the artist did and the artist becomes that unique person.

Only the person who expressed that point is the one who holds that flair of being unique.

The unique person is constantly misunderstood.

Even though everyone had the same thought as you, you were the one who said it. It means that everyone else didn’t say it, and that you were the odd one out. Therefore, you are not the same as everyone else, and the common thought is “why did he/she say it?”

This doesn’t seem to make logical sense, but humans are actually very illogical creatures. We tend to be a mix of irony and biases that lean towards our current preferences. We like something when our friends are there, but if it’s someone new and unknown saying something completely special, we take it with a bucket full of distrust. Objectively, this would not make sense, but within the context of humans being quite trapped in their daily context, we would not see otherwise as well.

I’ll do a few more of these, because I think I can express myself here as a person who is constantly seen as weird, or special, or unique (everyone else’s words, not mine). At least I can say it here, and continue to claim my spot as a weird person.



