Chinese Reunion Dinners

As a Chinese person, I have the luxury of celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year. Luxury of stuffing myself with a multitude of reunion dinners, where the pure aim is to eat as much food as possible, and to commend your family for their great cooking. At the same time, there’s the constant talk about how things are, and what life is about.

The good thing would be that after the New Years dinners, you would be able to celebrate the first day of Chinese New Year with a lot of Red Packets, where money is given. Parents will give their children, and married people will give unmarried people within the family.

Traditions aside, my goal has been to just survive the food every year. This year, I have begun to fail terribly, but I have learnt to just not eat during the day time. It works, until it doesn’t, where I have over eaten during the dinner itself.

I hug my food baby, as Clarice and I waddle back home, and I hold myself for a bit, as I try to induce myself to poop as much as my bowels will allow.

After the pushing, and the food baby partially exits my body, I crawl back to bed, exhausted from eating, and pooping. I sleep, and wake up, and repeat it for the next few meals.

And that, is a Chinese New Year dinner. This goes on for at least 2-3 days. Pray for me.



