Relative Time

It feels like today passed really quickly, and even more than that, we’re already into the second month of the year. Every day passes as if I’m on a skateboard rolling downhill. It doesn’t help that the days are filled with different types of meetings, and I’m just in the capsule of my room or my office orbiting around the worlds of meetings.

But today’s the Lunar New Year, and we’ve gotten a chance to catch up with family.

It was really good to see my uncle that I’ve not seen in much at all in the past year. It feels like forever since I’ve seen him, and I’m really glad that he is okay, and that he’s had time with my cousins in America. Catching up with him always comes back to the times when I’ve traveled with him, and it’s been more than 10 years since.

That’s really life, rolling on a skateboard downhill, and it just goes faster and faster, until you realised its crashing into its end.

And there’s no jumping off it either.



