Double Work

There are days like today, where I felt there was So Much double work done. I needed to plan some deliverables a few months back, but because of the COVID scenarios, I’ve had to replan them on Friday, and then again today.

I hate having to do work twice. Meaning that if I had known the urgency was more towards this immediate time, I would have just done it closer to this day.

But at the same time, I don’t know if I have the mental strength to hold back, and to wait. I think my own sense of anxiety would take over. It feels weird, and uneasy, for me to do something like that.

In any case, the work is done.

I was thinking about something to share, a bit more creative, a bit more on the fringe, and this is what I thought to share:

This song was a deeply haunting song from my teens, really enjoyed it for that darkness to the song. I really enjoyed The Knife as a whole.

I should do a zine for some of their songs, some time soon.


