Reliving memories

Today feels like a day from the past. Still another day in the army, but it feels like the days from long ago. A decade even, and it feels like humans are still the same. Everyone does things in the same way and behaves the same. Little actions that get you annoyed, or small inconveniences that you wished could be done better. But it’s 10 years on, some people changed, but it still feels horrible. It still feels as if the world had never understood what was going on, and we still live in a bubble of what we think works, but doesn’t really.

I don’t even make sense I think, at this point. It feels like the tiredness of being on duty has made me a person that I didn’t enjoy being. I still don’t enjoy being that person. I’m glad that soon after this, I don’t have to make this choice anymore because I’ll be past it. It’ll be a memory of long ago.

Maybe one day I might miss this, the person who I have to relive as today. But currently, in this moment, I don’t think I am happy.



