July Begins

It’s the first of July! And I’m already behind on some of the things that I really want to do. But let’s not continue on the wrong foot, and I’m going to get this blog going once more as I get myself ready for the things ahead.

First things first,

I signed myself up for NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. Something like a push for myself to really get into writing properly. It’s not going really well today actually, I’ve only hit 597 out of my 50,000 word count that I’m hoping to hit. And I had hope to write daily. This really just makes me feel a ton of pressure, but honestly I know that I have this story in rough. I just need a good push to get it started, and this NaNoWriMo is hopefully it. If you’re on it, please look for me there: trisected everywhere


I’m really trying to get back into YouTube proper, and start that whole video discussion and talking about life kinda thing. I’m definitely branching off where this blog has been, and I share all sorts of ideas and stuff. But I’ll hopefully share as honestly there. It’s really a pain to do editing, that’s one. The other is really how weird it is to talk to the camera. It really feels So Cringe. I can’t believe I even sent a video up. It’ll be out on the 3rd.


I’m in the middle of changing jobs, but at the same time, I’m really thinking about passive incomes OR just making some side money as a whole. Not really the same as moonlighting, but more like selling the things I currently have on second hand trading websites. Things like that. I’ve got a lot of crap and hopefully that can get me some money back.

Fourth, and Finally,

I’ve got a bunch of paintings that I do owe a bunch of people. I haven’t drawn for a really long time, and I’m feeling rusty. But hopefully, my creativity explodes immensely. It’s a lot of things pent up inside.

That’s about it!! Thanks for reading, always appreciate the one or two of you coming to see this. See you around!



