The Turn of a Day

Some days start off real bad.

Like today, I had left my earphones at home. I took a really crowded bus to the train station, and then a really close encounter with a couple who had no sense of personal space. It got me kinda flustered, but it just piled on that the day felt like it was going downhill.

But after lunch, it was moment after moment of brilliant coincidences. People that I haven’t met for ages appearing, and I had introductions to people I would not have had the pleasure of meeting if I was alone. These moments took me by surprise, and I was glad to be there.

I was so close to giving up today, and just going back home. The day started out bad, what proof did I have that it would get better? Was there any objective difference I knew of that would change things dramatically for the rest of the day? Nope, no proof, no nothing.

But thank God, because the day changed in such an amazing way, that I was left speechless, and I’m still extremely glad that I did not go home, and I made the effort to stick around.

It felt like God was giving me an encouraging nudge, a pat on the back.

I don’t usually write with such a strong Christian influence, but I have no other way to explain today. Sudden alignment of the universe? Sure. I’ll take that, and I’ll also go another step to say that I know the one who aligned it for me.


