The Woes of Writing Daily

Every time I write daily, I realise a few things.

One: I struggle to put work up everyday.

Two: I struggle with what kind of work I put up everyday.

When I’m writing daily like this current time again, I find myself pausing through the day to think what is worth writing about. I know that Casey Neistat shared about how he crafted the day to fit his storyline, including his meetings with people. It also meant he cut a lot of people out of his life, especially if they weren’t interesting enough.

Me, on the other hand, have moments of thought where I think would make for the world’s next philosophy. I mentally think through plans and revisions of it, and I think it’ll change the society we live in, and might get rid of poverty. I think it would revolutionise the social structures and traditions.

and then I come to the computer to type it out, only to find that I either can’t remember it, or if I made notes, the notes make no sense.

And there, I learn another thing in my daily writing

Three: I can really make a mountain out of a molehill sometimes.

Today’s book reading and music listening was:

  • The Secret History by Donna Tart (about 10% into the book)
  • Classical Music for Reading Spotify Playlist
  • The Daily Podcast: for 29 Aug, not 30 Aug
  • Jocko Podcast with Remi Adeleke (10mins in)


  • Nier Automata – my aim is to get to the first save point. It’s taking forever, and I died twice. I bought a new Playstation controller to get a bit more control over this situation.

I might try to update with these things that I’ve read and consumed through the day, it might lead to a bit more interesting blog updates. Which might lead to more interesting art, who knows?


