Becoming 34

I never thought I would be 34 years old. I thought being 34 was for like retirees, or the years where people became really boring, stuck in their careers, trying to make life happen the way they thought it should.

I’m glad to have had so many people in my life in the past year, and it was pretty crazy to see how everything has changed in the past year. Where I live, how I think, and what I hope to do in ministry, all of these have had such a big push.

In reflection, the last year was a lot of change. 2022 to 2023 gave me a huge personal development. I think I pushed a lot harder in the intentionally creative avenues that I was exploring, and also just really made a lot more effort to talk with people to listen more.

I’ve also spent a lot more time outside, and just breathing, existing. Learning how to give myself space to think has been very key.

I’ve been extremely grateful for a lot of people, namely Clarice for giving me a tremendous amount of love and helping me understand myself in so many ways. Gifford’s rushing of my house renovations, Mark and Boren for being friends who listened with no judgement and just was there a ton. For my parents who are living a lot closer now, and their presence helps me in many ways. For my ministry leaders and their autonomy in letting me do what needs to be done, but also for pushing me ahead. It continues to be such a great place to be at, and I can’t see myself working anywhere else.

Thank God for letting me live every single day. I’m still amazed that I’m not called out of this world just yet.

One day at a time.



