Losing my youth: The year of turning 35

I have been pondering around this post for some time. How should I approach the topic? With which personal touches and flavor should I furnish? I decided to go with this, long winded, self questioning style, because at the heart of it, that’s part of who I am.

The age of youth in Singapore is 18-35. I am turning 35 this year, and thus, at the end of this range of youth. There are many events, and many people who have impacted me through the years. Some of these years were extremely lonely. Some of the years held my life changing, near death experiences, shaping the person I have become today.

While preparing for this year, especially approaching the end of 2023, my year end review ended with me reflecting on goals I had set through the years but never really completed. Ideas and thoughts of my youth, undecided if I should bring them into “adulthood”. Predictions and hopes for the future, as they ramble uncertainly through the days of 2024.

So this year is dedicated to losing my youth. It’s in remembrance of the person I was throughout the seventeen years so far. It’s a mixed bag of hopes and dreams, as they crashed and burned with the practical realities of life. Perhaps that’s the ideal artist statement I never dreamed of, but now I am living out because of the choices I’ve picked throughout the time.

Funny enough, it took me so long to write this post out properly, we’re already in March. But the work has started some time ago, and it has been exploding out of me in the past two months of 2024.

Stay tuned, to watch me reminisce, and reimagine crazy thoughts and ideas of before, and aimlessly shoot towards Mars for the future. I promise it’ll be a hoot. After all, you know me already, if you’re reading this.


