Tag: writing

  • Trying to type with a very old and ancient keyboard

    I had read somewhere that the writers of old had really appreciated the pen, in the way that the speed of writing would play as a speed limit for an author’s thoughts. At that time, it was also thought that the typewriter would kill the author’s writing processes, and yet we progressed further to the…

  • Sleepy Sunday

    I actually slept in past 10AM today. In a normal day, I would usually be up and about by 8AM, with cup of coffee and daily journal in hand. But there was something very soothing in today’s morning sleep. It felt like I had some interruptions in sleep, I do remember getting up to go…

  • Free

    There was a time when I was considering writing as a side gig, like maybe a possible thing that I could get into. Not so much income, but just another skillet to develop for possible business? Like for fun, the same way I do drawings and things like that. That thought was put through the…