2022: It begins

It’s been some time since updating here. I had the weekly review just before the absence, and I think I was really struggling to keep it going somehow. It was great when I was doing the daily blog, and when I just missed it, it just started to slip away. There’s many things I’ve learnt about this process of writing every day, or making content every day, and this is something that I really struggle with.

I struggle to publish. Seth Godin had a few episodes on his podcast where he explains the need to publish, instead of just creating. I understand the purpose of that, but sometimes, that effort to place my artwork, or my thoughts and to press that button, it’s just not the same. There’s a million factors coming in, as I flip and flop between pressing that publish button or not to. Questions of what it means to me, and how I think about myself, and how I want to be perceived. Questions of quality and whether I’m happy with the work that I’ve produced. These weigh on me constantly, and sometimes the daily work just isn’t enough to keep it going, especially when I’ve taken a short break to reflect. That’s one reason why I’ve not published my artwork up for a long time.

I do want to restart daily blogging here. But I think I need to give myself more realistic limits, so that those questions that assail me would not tear down the content upon scrutiny. Either that, or the format in itself would match a range of things that I am happy with.

More thoughts on this soon, and perhaps this first week of daily blogging will be my process thoughts on how I will assess this daily blogging format.

Personal creative struggle aside, I am thankful for all that this year has given. Being able to write here has been a welcome blessing. If you’ve been a constant visitor here, I hope this gives you a glimpse into the layers of my thoughts as I process many things in a day.

I wish you all a blessed new year, because I hope the year will bless you abundantly in your needs and wants. I know that my needs and wants will be blessed for sure. May you have that same certainty as me.



