Planned Processes

So here’s my balance to yesterday’s creative meanderings:

There’s definitely a part of me that over plans everything.

I think way too much over too many small things and I am always almost all over the place because of those thoughts. I’m either all over the place, or very prepared, because I’ve thought of the worst case scenarios.

I’ve also thought through many strategies on what would work and what wouldn’t work on different channels, and honestly, that’s really one of the biggest hindrances to my creativity. I tell myself that plan A won’t work because it’s not in this or that. Or plan B needs more refinement in this and that areas, so I shouldn’t publish. I should just focus on sharpening it more and more and more.

But what ends up is that I have nothing to show for all my thoughts.

That’s where this blog came in. I wanted a space to show that I had thought. I have been mulling about many ideas for some time. And this space is proof that I have. It’s not really cohesive. I mean from here, you’ll definitely not understand anything about keyboards. You also won’t understand anything about art.

But if you look through, you’ll see me. And that’s more important for me I guess. Perhaps that’s a good thing for me to do: to categorize my thoughts here into the different interests and you can then understand those portions better.

I’ll probably do that now.

In any case, one of the best creative breaks I’ve ever given myself was during the time that I did the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I started to see myself in a new light, and to see my creativity in a new light as well. It was really a breath of fresh air, and I think I will try my best to work towards that direction again. I need that space to breathe, and to create. But it takes time, that I need to commit to. That commitment entails some early waking up, which I haven’t been as consistent as I used to be with.

Perhaps that should be something I should begin to restart now.

For tomorrow’s Joel to work out!


