Bad Influences

There’s some major ideas of what is good, and what is right. And most of the world is willing to get behind most morally good things.

But sometimes, you get some really dark and weird influences, like Filthy Frank:

It’s mean, it’s racist, its everything, but at the same time you know its satire, and people there are really just trying to say things that are as mean as possible so that their comments would be read, or something along those lines. Ok, or possibly they’re really truly offended by what “Frank” was saying. In any case, I personally feel there’s definitely space for expression like this, no matter how disturbing and dark it gets.

So as I pour through Joji’s old clips as Frank and stuff, I’m just really curious how and when did he decide to make the song parts of things real. And maybe even deeper, how did he even get started on Frank in the first place.

I guess I wonder these things because I feel like there’s a Frank inside me, waiting to get out one day too.


