An Early Morning Post

Today my brain decided to wake me up a lot earlier. It also helped that I made a keyboard that I was really happy with, and now I am happy typing away at it.

One of the things I struggle with in my creative process is the lack of an Approver. At work, if I make something, the one to clear it would be my bosses. If I make something with my friends, one of them might be the one to check through and give the ok. But with my own work, I am the approver, and also the one doing it, and I get stuck.

I don’t think I should be my own approver because I get very critical with my own work. I think all my work is bad, and I keep getting upset with myself for not doing better. My friends come in to encourage me, and I don’t believe them for some reason, and then I end up not publishing anything.

That’s kinda where I am right now. I have work that I wish I could put up, but I’m just not sure what I feel about it. I’m not too sure if it’s worth publishing.

At this point, a motivating factor appears. It might be a Seth Godin email, or a YouTube clip, or just something I read or watched telling me to try, and to just publish. The line about “The world’s worst golfer did not play today. More than that, the world’s worst golfer probably doesn’t even play golf.” or something like that.

So I’m definitely not the world’s worst artist, because I’m still making something today. At least I’ve made this post. More than that, I’ve gotten ideas and drawings out that I just need to put online, or to just publish somewhere.

So my internal approver/critic just has to deal with that level being pushed all the way down: At least I’ve done work today, that’s better than the days I did nothing at all.

Let’s go


